Tenant Portal

You're Building the Arts District Liberty Station!

Welcome to the Arts District Liberty Station Tenant resource portal.  

Arts District Liberty Station Monthly Update

The Arts District Liberty Station Monthly Update is a tenant focused email with information on upcoming opportunities and events for tenants within Arts District Liberty Station or out in the community. The email is delivered on the first Tuesday of each month.


Arts District Liberty Station Stay Connected Monthly Newsletter

The Arts District Liberty Station Stay Connected Monthly Newsletter is a monthly email for subscribers highlighting various events, activities and other promotional information for Arts District Liberty Station. It is delivered on the first Thursday of each month.


Opportunities and Announcements for Arts District Liberty Station Tenants


Cygnet Theatre- Coming to Arts District Liberty Station in September There will be opportunities to display art as there is a public art gallery on the first floor of The Joan. There will be opportunities to rent meeting or performance space based on availability. All inquiries on these opportunities should be directed to Autumn Doermann-Rojas autumn@cygnettheatre.com, Cygnet’s General Manager.

High Tech High Internship Opportunities: Do you have a project that could use a High Tech High School student to assist you with?  Visit this LINK for internship dates and more information. High Tech High students conduct their internships with an intense focus of up to 30 hours a week for the timeframe of their internship.   


Arts District Liberty Station Links  

How to “tag” in a post on Facebook

Arts District Liberty Station Social Media Links

Property Management Links


Liberty Station/LSCA Links


*Liberty Station Website Updates: Event & Class Submissions
Liberty Station’s website has undergone some recent updates. Please see below for some useful tips.

  • classes and events are on separate pages, in an effort to make searching for things easier for users.
  • please select either “classes” or “events” (not both) depending on your event type.
  • Classes include traditional class settings (art, craft, pottery, dance…), workshops and camps.
  • Events include exhibits, grand openings, performances etc.
  • Under classes or events, select additional categories that match your submission type 
  • If your classes are in a series (i.e. 5-week session where every class is part of the session) please select the starting date only and include all session dates in the description of the event.
  • Use only Venue or Venue Override (not both).
  • Venue can be selected when the space for your class or event is listed in the drop down menu.
  • Venue Override should only be used if it’s not in the drop down.
  • If you fill out “venue override” this is what will show in the location.
  • Social media and website link fields should be filled out with the entire URL (ex. www.instagram.com/yourhandle). If you only fill this out partially or if the link is incorrect, it will not link properly.
  • The event submission link remains the same for all submissions.
  • To view events, use the calendar on the left side to select date or date range for events you wish to view. The default setting will show events in the current week.
  • Questions or requests to update or assist with event submissions, directory listings etc. can be sent to tmedina@ntcfoundation.org


Foundation Programs   

Tenant Funding –The Arts District Liberty Station Tenant Funding Opportunity is a year-round funding opportunity to enhance the activation of Arts District Liberty Station. This funding opportunity is available up to $1,000 per application. The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support tenant activations which will further enliven and invite the community to enjoy Arts District Liberty Station throughout the year. Examples of funded activations might include hands-on art making, dance/music/theatrical performance, art exhibits and educational workshops. To see all submission and funding guidelines and to apply, click HERE. For questions, please contact Elyse Gwannulla at egwannulla@ntcfoundation.org

Liberty Station Public ArtLiberty Station Public Art is designed to attract visitors and create a sense of place. Acknowledging the beauty and uniqueness of Arts District Liberty Station, the Liberty Station Community Association (LSCA), and the Arts District Liberty Station have partnered with local art galleries, artists and community organizations to showcase sculptures, murals and others. 

Liberty School- Liberty School was developed by Arts District Liberty Station for students who struggle with academic success. It uses the arts to help them learn in new and creative ways; to promote a positive attitude toward learning; to increase self-esteem; and to encourage exploration of new possibilities for the future.

Arts District Liberty Station CollaborativeThe Collaborative program encourages proposals to consider how to “welcome the public back to the Arts District Liberty Station,” and invite guests to “reawaken their creativity” while focusing on subject matter that represents Arts District Liberty Station experiences and partners. 

Alcohol Serving Policy for Your Event Venue:
If you plan to serve alcohol at an event held in your space, you are required to either, obtain a special Daily License Permit from the ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) or have your event catered by someone with a current alcohol license. Here’s how to proceed if a permit is needed:
1. Fill out the ABC-221 Form.
2. Submit the completed form to Lincoln Property Management for approval and signatures.
3. Once approved and signed, submit the form to the ABC Office along with the required fee.
4. You will receive an email confirmation of your permit from the ABC.
5. Forward the confirmation to our Lincoln Property Management team to keep on file.
Please be aware that you must display proper signage at each entrance/exit (Alcohol cannot leave that designated area) and have at least one RSB (Responsible Service of Alcohol) certified individual present at the event. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all attendees.

Tenant Meeting Space Available for Rent The Arts District Liberty Station receives many calls/inquiries for rental space for meetings at Arts District Liberty Station. If your space is available for rent please reach out to Kate Rubalcava krubalcava@ntcfoundation.org.

Tenant Meetings- Arts District Liberty Station tenant meetings occur covering various topics of interest, guest speakers and a refresh of things covered during orientation meetings. Tenant meeting dates and RSVP information will be sent out via the Monthly Update email.

The Tenants Group Collaborative provides Arts District Liberty Station tenants an opportunity to meet, share event news, and promote collaboration opportunities. For additional information contact Peggy Fischbeck, Barracks 19 #209, peggyfischbeck@aol.com

Liberty Station Community Association (LSCA) and Booked in Events
In addition to the Arts District Liberty Station Arts District Programming, the LSCA produces events at Liberty Station.

Are you Hiring? We’ll post your job listing to the Arts District Liberty Station Website Jobs Page! Send an email to tmedina@ntcfoundation.org with the following information:
Organization name and job title(s) that are open, link to your website or job listing with information on how to apply, dates for posting (beginning and end date).


Use of the NTC and Arts District Liberty Station Logos on promotional materials is permitted with the following guidelines.

  • Logo is used in a “project supported by” location (depending on your design, this would be included where other sponsor and program partner logos are located)
  • Logo is not the headline/focal point of any promotional piece
  • Logo may not be altered in any way (shape, color, format)
  • All materials utilizing logo must be approved by Arts District Liberty Station marketing staff prior to printing/publishing

To access downloadable logo files click the Arts District Liberty Station Brand Assets link above this section.


Calendar Listings

San Diego region Calendar Listings
*Calendar listings are generally free but may require unique login or other processes to share your content.

LibertyStation.com Calendar


Rack Card dimensions for rack card holders in all Arts District Liberty Station run tenant buildings.  Tenants may use as many literature holders as they would like, space provided.  Tenants are responsible for putting out collateral and removing collateral.  Standard rack card sized collateral is welcome. 4” x 9” OR 3.5” x 8.5”


Friends of NTC Token Program

Liberty Station Tenants are also invited to participate in the Friends of NTC Token Program.  By participating in the token program with a special offer, Friends of NTC members will be encouraged to shop, dine and support the arts at your location.  Participating locations will receive a Friends of NTC decal and a QR code for guests to scan and learn about the program and special offers.  If you are interested in participating in the token program, please fill out the survey linked here. For more information contact Hannah Wayne hannahw@ntcfoundation.org


Your Location in Arts District Liberty Station

Barracks and Building numbers listed on exterior walls are Historic Navy elements. They are now used for pedestrian way-finding and on the campus map. e.g. “Barracks 19” or “Building 200” NOTE: The post office and other mail services do not use Barracks/Building numbers.  Please refer to your lease documents for your mailing address.